Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19th - 25th Moons

Monday, April 19th

Moon in Cancer

The Moon will be in Cancer for the next two days or so. This is the sign where the Moon is most comfortable and easily expresses itself. You may find that emotions rise to the surface easily. This may feel uncomfortable or natural, depending on your temperament. The Moon in Cancer is a great time to concentrate on your home and family, domestic chores and cooking. It is also a time to reflect on your family of origin. How can you make your home a haven, as comfortable and welcoming as possible?


Wednesday, April 21st

Moon in Leo

For the next two and a half days the Moon will be in Leo. This is a good time for creativity, play, romance, and risk-taking. This is an especially good time to spend with children. You may crave praise and attention during this time. Let your inner child out to play! How can you express your creativity right now?


Friday, April 23rd

Moon in Virgo

For the next two days or so the Moon will be in Virgo. This is a good time for taking care of household tasks, organizing, details and your job. Attend to the needs of your pets right now. You may be more self-critical or critical of others at this time. This is a good time to withhold judgment and to think before speaking. How can you create order from chaos in some area of your life?


Sunday, April 25th

Moon in Libra

For the next two days or so the Moon is in Libra. This is a good time to focus on personal relationships and business partnerships. You may have legal matters to attend to or go to counseling at this time. It is a good time to buy beautiful objects or to beautify yourself. How can you find a way to compromise rather than give in or get your own way at this time?
