Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12th - 18th Moons

We start the week with a new cycle of Moon signs.

April 12th, Monday

Moon in Aries

For the next two days or so the Moon will be in Aries. This is a good time to start a new project, especially one that will have your own unique stamp on it. This is an energetic Moon transit that may give you the push to make new beginnings. This is the start of the Moon cycle. What can you do right now to express your individuality?


April 14th, Wednesday

New Moon in Aries

The sun and the moon are in the same sign at the time of the New Moon. Your emotions and intellect are on the same page at this time, therefore it’s an opportunity to set things in motion. The New Moon is a time to start new projects and make new plans. This is a day to plant seeds for a new you or a new future.
With the New Moon in Aries this is a good time to start a new project with your personal stamp on it.

Sabian Symbol for 25 degrees Aries:

"Five red roses and an ornate valentine have been placed outside a woman's door."

Descriptive phrases: "Old-fashioned gallantry; exuberantly creative expressions of affection vs. frivolous symbolic gestures aimed at breaking down emotional barriers; serious courtship vs. casual flirtation..."

Source: The Zodiac by Degrees: 360 New Symbols by Martin Goldsmith


Moon in Taurus (same day)

For the next two and a half days the Moon will be in Taurus. This is an Earthy sign so you may be concerned with your finances, property, or acquiring possessions. This is also a good time to garden and enjoy such Taurean pursuits as good food, good drink, and good sex. This is a good time for grounding and centering. How can you enjoy this moment and make it memorable?


April 16th, Friday

Moon in Gemini

The Moon is in Gemini for the next two days or so. This is a time for communicating with others through letters, emails, phone calls or conversation. You may visit with siblings or neighbors and make short trips at this time. Pay attention to the meaning behind the message and especially embrace clarity in your communications with others. Can you get your message across and listen to others too?


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