Monday, October 4, 2010

Oct.4th - 11th Moons

We start the week with the Moon in Virgo.  Ooooh!  Busy week for the Moon (whatever that means!)

Monday, Oct.4th

Moon in Virgo

For the next two days or so the Moon will be in Virgo. This is a good time for taking care of household tasks, organizing, details and your job. Attend to the needs of your pets right now. You may be more self-critical or critical of others at this time. This is a good time to withhold judgment and to think before speaking. How can you create order from chaos in some area of your life?

Wednesday, Oct.6th

Moon in Libra

For the next two days or so the Moon is in Libra. This is a good time to focus on personal relationships and business partnerships. You may have legal matters to attend to or go to counseling at this time. It is a good time to buy beautiful objects or to beautify yourself. How can you find a way to compromise rather than give in or get your own way at this time?
Thursday, Oct.7th

New Moon in Libra

The Sun and the Moon are in the same sign at the time of the New Moon.  Your emotions and intellect are on the same page at this time, therefore it’s an opportunity to set things in motion. The New Moon is a time to start new projects and make new plans.  This is a day to plant seeds for a new you or a new future.  Since this New Moon is in Libra it's a good time to make a fresh start in your relationships, especially close ones.
Sabian Symbol for 15 degrees Libra: "A man cranks a hurdy-gurdy, while a trained monkey dressed in a red cap juggles three balls in the air."

Descriptive Phrases: "Physical and mental agility; keeping track of a number of independent factors; competent multitasking vs. dropping the ball; deciding what needs attention and what can be allowed to slide; keeping one's eyes on long-term goals while having fun in the moment; being ahead of the curve vs. being blindsided..."

Source:  The Zodiac by Degrees: 360 New Symbols by Martin Goldsmith

Friday, Oct.8th

Moon in Scorpio

For the next couple of days the Moon is in Scorpio. This is a good time for detective work, to get to the bottom of something, or to reveal a truth. It is also a good time to talk to someone about resources or money jointly held. You may experience moodiness, intense emotions or a need to control people, things, or events. These two days are good for exploring your feelings about transformation, death, endings and sexuality. How can you use your obsessions more positively right now?

Sunday, Oct.10th

Moon in Sagittarius

For the next couple of days the Moon is in Sagittarius. This is a good time to concentrate on making travel plans, higher education, or formulating goals. You may feel like watching or participating in a sporting event at this time. This is a fun-loving, high energy time of the month. Consider what your highest ideals are, and live your life to reflect those. This is what the Moon in Sagittarius asks you to do. Are you up for a new challenge?

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